
Tuesday, 11 September 2012


I am Absolutely OBSESSED with this quote by Coco Chanel!!
Lets just say after the weekend I've had- food and all the indulgent goodies, from the tremazzini , nacho’s and pasta’s, to the braai, cakes, roasted marshmallows and chocolate fountain, the only healthy food I have eaten was the strawberries... but ... I have to admit it was dipped and covered in a smooth and silky melted chocolate.. From the fountain!!
After all that food... and way too much fun... I’ll be shocking my body back to reality. Like really, really shocking my system.
The next three days will be spent making up for my carbo loading, sinful weekend. I’m kicking my ass into gear with an hour workout each day & eating a diverse, exciting diet full of protein. Protein, protein, & some more protein for three.full.days. Some fruit, Carbs in moderation! NO junk, no sweets, no biscuits, NO jolly jammers and strawberry swirls *sigh. Think fruit and water and vegetables and chicken, sounds fun – right??
Work Hard and Play Hard!! This trick works to completely reset the body!!
At least my predominantly protein pity party doesn’t start until tomorrow… Passion Fruit anyone? ;)
Eat yourself skinny... The only way that is going to happen is if you CUT OUT all the junk and soft drinks and eat in moderation. Let’s be honest, before you can even THINK of rewarding yourself you should see some sort of change in your body, and the only way that will happen is if you eat correctly with exercise!!

 green tea is not something I drink, despite wanting to, I cant stomach it, so I have hot water with lemon instead!

 breakfast means 'break' the 'fast'. It is important to start your day off with water. The benefits are endless.

Now days we have a belief system of starvation all day.. and rewarding yourself with a treat. NO thats NOT how it works... THAT is not how you going to see results. Be good all week, no soft drinks, no junk, opt for less carbs, food with less oil and fat.. and perhaps on sunday you can indulge in ONE of the sugary goodness treats you like. BUT lets be honest, after working THAT hard.. do you really wana indulge??? food for thought.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself, YOU want a good body?? WORK for it. we all have to.
Stop Being A Moron and Start
Getting Skinny!

If you can't take one more day of self-loathing, you're ready to hear the truth: You cannot keep shoveling the same crap into your mouth every day and expect to lose weight.

To ALL you woman out there reading this blog, I strongly SUGGEST you get your hands on this book...

Not your typical boring diet book, this is a tart-tongued, no-holds-barred wakeup call to all women who want to be thin. With such blunt advice as, "Soda is liquid Satan" and "You are a total moron if you think the Atkins Diet will make you thin," it's a rallying cry for all savvy women to start eating healthy and looking radiant. Unlike standard diet books, it actually makes the reader laugh out loud with its truthful, smart-mouthed revelations. Behind all the attitude, however, there's solid guidance. Skinny Bitch espouses a healthful lifestyle that promotes whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and encourages women to get excited about feeling "clean and pure and energized."
Another very important step to losing weight, is exercise!!!

Excuses are like a**holes. Everyone has one &

they all stink.

Here are some I hear all the time:

+ Excuse: I work 9-5. I am exhausted.
Reality Check: we all work. Everyone is tired from work. Take an hour & force yourself to sweat.

+ Excuse: I can’t afford a gym membership.
Reality Check: fine. Then get to a beach with a friend & download some internet workouts. Go running. Do a DVD at home. Or better yet, download free YouTube workouts. Problem solved!

+ Excuse: I’m so sore from yesterday’s workout, so I’ll wait a few days to go back to the gym.
Reality Check: WRONG. Cardio actually breaks up the lactic acid, which takes away that soreness.

+ Excuse: I don’t work out on weekends.
Reality Check: why? Pick a Saturday or a Sunday to add to your routine. I’ve never heard anyone say after their workout say that they regretted it.

+ Excuse: I noticed bulk, so I cut back on working out.
Reality Check: uggggh! I hear this all the time. In the first couple months of starting a workout program you’re going to bulk up. You’re adding muscle to any fat on the body. After a few months the fat falls off, just leaving muscle. Voila!

+ Excuse: I am naturally thin; I don’t need to workout.
Reality Check: working out helps with depression, anxiety, & prevents heart disease. So that’s fantastic that you’re naturally thin, however that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t workout.

+ Excuse: I am too busy taking care of the kids.
Reality Check: the kids will probably want you around for a long time, so keep your body in shape. You want to fill your car with the best gas, so fuel your body with the best of the best too.

+ Excuse: I’ll do it tomorrow.
Reality Check: ya, ya, ya. Just do it today.

+ Excuse: I don’t care if I turn out to be a fat pig, I love my curves! I’m embracing them!
Reality Check: not so much. Being a fat pig leads to tons of nasty diseases, so get off the couch, throw away the donuts, and GO!

and... I'M not going to sugar coat it for you.. because you will probably eat that too...

Stop. Making. Excuses. Eventually your fitness 

routine will turn into a habit- NO EXCUSES!


  1. this is the funniest blog i have ever read. i love it!!

  2. please keep blogging
    i read all your blogs

  3. I thought I was the only one that had to detox after eating.very motivational!
    thank you

  4. i am going to try and eat more protein then carbs :)

  5. Love your blog very motivational


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